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Draft and review contracts 10x faster with AI

Spellbook uses AI to review and suggest terms for your contracts, right in Microsoft Word.

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"Gives you marble to chisel where you didn't have any."
-Ryan Juliano, Howell Legal
"This seems like the perfect tool to find the comprehensive  clause you need for your specific circumstances. Great idea!"
-Lindsey Wareham, In-House Counsel
"So when can I play with this thing?"
-Chris Brown, PixelLaw

Tuned for legal, Spellbook suggests high-quality language & improvements for your contracts instantly.

Instantly generate precise redlines.

Spellbook Reviews generates precise redlines, based on your instructions.

The most popular AI tool for transactional lawyers.

Spellbook gets the small stuff out of the way so that you can focus on adding strategic value.

You've never seen legal AI like this before.

Understands the World

Spellbook doesn't just understand contracts. It has been trained on Wikipedia, books and the Internet, so that it can reference facts about the world.

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Powered by GPT-4o

Spellbook is powered by OpenAI's GPT-4o: a massive large language model providing incredible performance.

Tuned for Legal

Spellbook is the only GPT-4 powered tool that has been tuned for contracting & integrated with Word.