Draft contracts 10x faster with AI

Spellbook uses GPT-4 to review and suggest language for your contracts and legal documents, right in Microsoft Word. Work through complex legal documents with surprising accuracy. ‍

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Relied on by 2500+
tech-forward legal teams


of time saved each day

"I reckon it is saving me 25-30% of my time, every time I'm working on an agreement on my system Spellbook is open.

Annie Haggar
Principal, Cyber GC


time saved drafting contracts

"Let's say it would take me 20 hours to create a contract in the past. That's cut down 90%. It's like having a full-time paralegal"

Roy McFarland
COO, Carbon Chemistry

1 hour

more billed per day

"It’s given us a degree of efficiency that we didn’t have before. Spellbook probably helps me bill an extra hour a day. Maybe more."

Todd Strang
Partner, KMSC Law

Solve complex legal tasks with surprising accuracy, right in

Generate insight­ful comments for entire contracts in one click

Spellbook reviews entire documents instantly and drafts comments. You direct which are approved and applied.

Find risks buried in your contracts

Automatically highlight risks and
non-market terms.

Automatically redline and suggest

Spellbook suggests precise changes and comments based on your prompts.




Contracts reviewed


Legal teams